Land Stewardship- NRT Land
Sheep Pasture- 154 acres
114 acres of Sheep Pasture was donated to the NRT by Elise Ames Parker in 1979. In 1999, the NRT purchased the estate's remaining 40 acres. Sheep Pasture is the home of NRT's farm and headquarters of its environmental education center. Public parking and access. Packard Farm- 29 acres
In 1996, Edna Robbins donated what we now call Packard Farm to the NRT of Easton. With road frontage on both Massapoag and Poquanticut, it helps to connect wildlife corridors from Borderland to Wheaton Farm. No parking and limited access. |
Beaver Brook Woods- 66.1 acres
Three separate purchases make up Beaver Brook Woods property, which is contiguous to Fox Mountain, held by the Easton Conservation Commission. The original 29 acres was purchased in 1979, then 10 acres were added in 1980, and the final 7.1 in 1984. Limited public parking and access. Springhill/Rock Ridge Lane- 5 acres
A gift from Cororan, Mullins, and Jennison in 1997. This open space features some of the old carriage roads of the Ames estates. Limited parking and access. |
Shoddy Mill Site- 3.3 acres
A gift to the NRT in 1971 from Kenneth Ray
in memory of his wife, Ruth.
No parking and limited access.
A gift to the NRT in 1971 from Kenneth Ray
in memory of his wife, Ruth.
No parking and limited access.
The NRT of Easton also holds several conservation restrictions on privately owned properties which protect environmentally important land now and into the future. Conservation restrictions held on private land do not have public access unless noted.